It is good to hear from all of you. I hope as i email that you do not receive any misconception of the respect that i have for all of you, my companion, my leaders, and myself. Let's face it i love all of you! I heard about the Y game. They're struggling for sure. They will be good though I have full invested faith haha. So the work is going well. I really feel the faith that comes from my companion. E. Hansen is a great guy. As we have sought out the elect of God we have seen many miracles this week. Mariah is getting baptized this week on Saturday! I'm way excited. man I cannot believe the faith that she has as well. I think alot about the word faith and all that it includes. I think so often that Heavenly Father could just tell us the list of people to see and we would go teach them and the work would just skyrocket. There is a certain amount of faith that is needed to do it this way though. In true to the faith it states, "The Lord will work mighty miracles in your life according to your faith." Daily i see the Lords hand in the work. Like i've said before, I'm nothing out here without his helping hand guiding me along the way. I can't believe the miracles that i've see by His hand. Some are too sacred to casually speak of over email. I have a testimony of faith and the necessity of it down here. Heavenly Father loves us so much that he gave us the ability to choose for ourselves to follow him. I saw symbolism of this throughout my life growing up with the best parents in the world. I still don't know how you pulled it off. I did receive the money cards and honestly it was more than what i could've asked for. thank you so much. You all are an amazing example to me. I'm grateful for all of you and the Love that you've shown for me. So for Halloween the other elders in our complex bought a fog machine and we're going to play chess that night in the fog haha. Stupid I know but we have to be in that night by 6 pm. I want to let all of you know how much i'm loving it out here. I've grown alot. There are so many things that i would've missed out on if it weren't for all of you and your guidance and example. Much love!
Your Missionary
9 Month Babe
11 years ago