This week has been a great week! There are alot of things going on... I learned alot about personal sanctification this week. It is something that has been on my mind all while i've been out here. We had a missionary meeting in Gridley and President talked alot about sanctification. Really everything that we do out here and the results that come from those things depend on our personal purity. It sounds pretty basic but it goes much deeper than it appears. It's one of those layered gospel topics. Purity and perfection are very closely intertwined. Perfection is more long term and building purity is what gets us there. Of course there is that aspect that with a purer vessel the Holy Ghost is more frequent and stronger within it.... I don't know there is a lot that i've learned about it but it is hard to put it onto this email. I'll have to find a good way to express it and then get back to you. Sooooo that is what I learned this week. Elder Hiatt and I are getting along great! He's learned a lot and it is nice learning from him. He looks a lot like richard. I'll have to send you a pic of him. The work is going great as well. I'll tell you what I got a reminder of how much I have to depend on the Lord this week. I've been working on praying more earnestly and meaningfully. As I've put it into practice I can tell the blessings that come to each person as I pray for and serve them. There is such power in prayer and fasting. I can tell you that I know that. I know it by and through the Holy ghost after the practice of faith. I love the things that I am privileged to learn out here. I feel so undeserving for the many blessings and lessons that I receive out here. It seems the harder I try to improve myself the more imperfections I see within myself. But Heavenly Father knows that. He helps me overcome them. We are having tons of fun. The snow up here is fun! I missed it. The rain is killer too. Luckily we are in a car. muahahaha. Well That is the scoop!!! I love you all and thank you for everything!!!
9 Month Babe
11 years ago