That is insane that roddick did that well against the Fed. Reminds me of my good ol' days in the grand slams. I just couldn't get over the hump to beat petey sampras. The 4th was great. We had after 4 o'clock on as a pday and so some of the missionaries got together and we played cards for a while and went to the parade here in A town. It was fun. We also went and watched some of the fireworks over at an investigators house. His name is Bob and he's a crack up. He's like 85 and just waiting for his death date. He was talking to us about how all of his friends already died off. It was sad but he was laughing about it the whole time. Anywho Alexis is preggo huh? Surprise surprise. Let's do a nephew this time around. How far along? just barely? I half expected someone to answer me just then haha. So miracle #2 which is added on to the aforementioned miracle #1, The person I told you about in the last email who hasn't been to church in a decade... Now his girlfriend wants to take the lessons. It is exciting. I'm going to tell you a secret which is not so secret... I have found lately that the statement in Preach My Gospel is true: Increasing your knowledge of the Atonement will increase your desire to share the Gospel. I don't think that we realize that with the restoration of the gospel, we have learned many things about the Atonement that no one else knows. Not only that but if you look at each page of scripture, it outlines some aspect of the Atonement. Keep that word in mind as you do your personal studies in the scriptures. It is amazing how much there is to understand about the Atonement of our Lord. Anyways I don't need anything right now but I'll let you know if I do... I love you all and am grateful for your prayers and thoughts. Thank you
Elder B