How are you? The work is going well and the comp is cool. There are so many things goin on. Right now we are trying to get one of our investigators to marry her boyfriend that she lives with so she and him can get baptized. We'll see how that goes... We're trying to get Baylea to set a date for baptism and i believe that she will this week. We took some members on a chapel tour the other day and it was so powerful. I can't believe how much missionary fire is instilled in these people when they come on this chapel tour. They really dont understand how much they have until they take a step back and look at it. The ward is going nuts for missionary work which helps so much. I cannot begin to express the importance of members in missionary work. Like Elder Bednar was talking about... Us full-time missionaries are here to help the ward with its work. Not the other way around. I feel so drained at the end of the day and yet i find it easier to do more work everyday. Reliance on the Lord is the understatement of the century. I cannot do this alone. I've come to the realization of how small i am and how much the Lord can do for me. I love the work... It's worth it always. That's pretty much the goings on over here. That signed federer picture is sweet! How could no one bid on it? Crazy. I hope the meeting with Cal goes well. Happy fathers day! I'm sorry i didn't get a letter off in time to meet you at fathers day but You and i both know how much i love and appreciate you right. To matt too it's your first fathers day. Neato. Well i'm off to save the day. I love you all and am happy to hear from you.
Peace homies.
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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