So this week was a grrrrreat one!
I found out, while we were up in Gridley for Trainer/Trainee meeting, that Bailey that I taught up in Gridley is getting baptized on Sat. So I've decided to go. You can do that once in your mission so I figured that now would be as good a time as ever. Also one of the investigators that we have here has decided to get baptized. Heavenly Father is definitely softening the hearts of the people here. I can't believe how many people are opening up to the gospel. There are alot of people at the same time lashing out against the church about prop 8 if you haven't heard already. We don't get bothered too much. Many people respect the church for standing up for what we believe in. I hope it helps people see that a true
Elder B.
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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