Hey! so I'm getting transfered to Rocklin CA. It will be fun. I'm finally on a bike again so I'll get to get in shape before I get back. plus I don't have to deal with paperwork anymore! My new companion is Elder yang from Samoa. He's had a rough past in the mission but I hear he's straightened up. I had you all in my prayers for this past weekend. Know that you will always be. Something that has really struck me lately is how increasing understanding of the Atonement increases desire to share the Gospel. I believe that I have mentioned that before but I want to share with you what knowledge has been given me from our Heavenly Father on the subject. When dealing with the issues of the other missionaries the Spirit has told me repeatedly in the past that the fix to it is helping them focus on other people because i believe that about 99% of problems that we face can be greatly minimized by remembering the Atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ and how it affects you and those around you. Namely in every choice between right and wrong we learn that if we choose the right we are happy. The effects of the Atonement and its application in your life hinges on the very moment when you say in your mind that in this case, "I am going to choose the right." When you realize the importance of that concept you desire the happiness for you and your fellow man. It is when, in the pride of our hearts, we say "woa is me" that we fall into selfish acts that, if not now, eventually lead to poor mistakes. The Lord teaches us this as we go thru our trials and tribulations. Our weaknesses, if taken to the Lord, humble us and bring us to that understanding of the Atonement. Anyways off of my soap box. I'm excited for home. I'm not too trunky i don't think but I am excited to see all of you and meet my neice. Since I am going to be in Rocklin I could give all my stuff to Alexis minus the essentials and go on the plane with a backpack and one suit case. that would be super sweet. Give me your number and I'll get it cleared with President and maybe even get lunch out of it haha. Chipotle or no dice! haha anywho I love you and let me know what I can do to help any of you out. Thanks for all the advice too. It helps alot. Loves
Elder B
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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