Soooooooo........ This week was good!! We had a meeting up in Gridley on Friday and played softball afterward. Sister Pendleton is crazy haha. President Pendleton was on our team and he is pretty good at softball. He'd call the hole he was going to drop it in and then do it. Needless to say we dominated 23 to 11. It was fun. My hair is growing back slowly but surely. Oh there aren't any walmarts out here so I can't get any rogain (don't laugh). So I'm gonna need a ship job. Or if Alexis could just drop it off at my doorstep sometime that would be great. Yeah I'm excited to stay here. I love the people. Let's see here... Oh our mission song is being remade so that it is a little slower and appropriate for sacrament meeting and we are going to professionally record it and give CDs to all the missionaries. Its pretty sweet. We got some great missionaries here this transfer and I'm excited for the progress that is going to be made. These past couple transfers have gone by so quickly. It is a reminder of how quickly the time is going to go by. Its crazy. Oh And Elder Powell and I came up with a sweet transfer focus. As a zone we are going to go on exchanges with the apostles of the church. We made up index cards with pictures of the apostles and expectations that they have. Like Elder Perry's is the 20 lessons and following up with investigators. Elder Cook's is declaring living prophets to everyone they talk to. So this week we prepared by cleaning up our apartments and cleaning the cars and updating our area books and this tuesday we are going to randomly hand out an index card to each companionship to start the exchanges. I'm really excited I think it will be fun. Anyways I am doing good... I don't really need anything. I'm grateful for all of you and your support and prayers. I hope that you all are doing good. Have a less busy week will ya? Alright adios mis hermanos y hermanas de dios. Love You!
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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