This past week has been pretty normal as well. In the mission right now we are focusing on having strong commitments especially with the baptismal commitment. It is exciting. There has been many miracles in just the short amount of time that we have been instructed on it. One of our investigators has accepted the commitment to be baptized on the 27 of this month. She has a long way to go and many humps in her way but she is earnest and we are going to be there with her as she continues to grow. We are having some peeps come from SLC to talk to the mission and so the leadership is having a meeting on tuesday and i'm looking forward to the instruction that we are going to receive. I have an instense testimony of the promises that the bretheren extend to us as missionaries and as members in general. If we do the things that they ask then we will reap the blessings that are promised. I've seen it and felt it as well. I'm grateful to all of you for your constant prayers and other help that you give to me. I reflect on the glory years (namely my childhood) and think about how many blessings that we have received from the Lord and it blows me away. He has done so much for us. But if there is anything that I can do for any of you let me know. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you more!! Loves
Elder B
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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