What is happenin'. It is great to here about the things that are going on back there. It is weird how close it is getting to that time... It will be fun. Have you all done much boating yet this summer? You better!! So this week was an interesting one. First of all I was stressin' about this meeting that we have every first sunday of the month with the stake pres out here. We have the missionaries with their ward mission leaders fill out some questions so that we can tell pres brower how the stake is doing with the missionary work. Last month in our meeting we found that the answers that we were getting from the missionaries were way to subjective and didn't really tell the true story. So this month we did similar and found that the answers were the same so two days before the meeting Elder Powell and I sat down with pres Pendleton and prayerfully discussed what needed to happen and then we came up with something and worked all day saturday to type it all up and took it into the meeting and they loved the info that we provided. It is a very different aspect to missionary work to make spreadsheets and make a report for the stake presidency but the principles are still the same. Through prayer and reliance upon the Lord and His power, we may know exactly what needs to happen. So this week is definately going to be a little less stressful thank goodness. But enough about me I am grateful for all of you and your spirits. I find myself, in lessons, constantly relating experiences that I have had within the home and with the family. I am amazingly blessed to have the oppurtunity to be in the family that I am in. I must have done somethin' right up in heaven to diserve the blessing of a great family. I got the birth certifacate so I'll get that done asap. I have a feeling that I am leaving Auburn in 2 weeks but who knows. I love you!!!!!!!
Peace be unto you and your posterity forever. (thats me and my kids haha)