This week has been stellar as usual. I'm getting to be good friends with an elder named elder aland. There aren't too many missionaries that, knowing me, I'm not going to keep in too much contact with. But he'll be down at snow college while i'm wherever I am. P town Provo. We first met while we sat on the plane ride out here. He's pre tight. Anywho both of us talked to president today about school and stuff. Aland hasn't really thot about school or anything until now and President was telling both of us to get on the ball. Which brings up my next point to thank all who are preppin the way for me to get back. Thank you for the effort to get me going as soon as I get back. I appreciate everything. It's weird to be thinking about all this stuff but I guess it is inevitable at some point. Lets see. Not too much has gone on this week except for this huge miracle in the lives of one of the families in the ward. They have a son that, from when he was 20 until now when he is 30, has not wanted much to do with church or anything. Every move they made towards getting him to come out has just pushed him the other way... This Sunday was the first Sunday in ten years that he has stayed for church all three hours. Bishop was talking to us as we were out visiting people yesterday about a "Alma the younger" moment that this man had. Bishop said that the man would be in contact with us soon. Sure enough he called Elder Powell and I to set up an appt to teach him and his non-member girlfriend the lessons. He was talking to me about how he was praying one night with all of his heart and that the Spirit touched him in a way that he had never felt before. After that he was surfing the internet and in his head the word Atonement kept popping up in his head. All the sudden all the teachings he had received as a youth and in primary started rushing into his head. It was a tender moment as he started to bear his testimony to me over the phone. I felt the spirit so strongly. I feel honored to have witnessed a miracle like this and share it with you not casually but trusting that this witness will help you feel the spirit as well. I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven. I'm grateful for the strength that our parents have in dealing with us as we stumble along the path. I am in awe of the humbling and enabling power of the Atonement. The 4th is going to be fun. We have an early morning bar-b-que with the ward. We don't get to do too much but I'll enjoy the company anyway. I've still got to do the passport thing and let me know if there is more that I can do to help out with the plans when I get back. I love you all!!!
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