Yeah it was a quick area. I got shotgunned into the area with elder keyser. That means that we both moved into the area at the same time. The AP got who covered the area went to being Zone Leaders so we took their area. Dalton is training. Shotgunning is sweet and not sweet at the same time. There is loads of work to do and we don't know anything about anything. haha my apartment is tight. it's brand new. It's a bike area but i think eventually they will have to give us a car. the area is huge. Sounds like you guys had fun this last weekend. The library i'm sittin in is so fancy. It's been so hot too. I had no idea sunscreen was so expensive till i got out here. Its a rip off. It was weird movin after just one transfer. unexpected for sure. Sorry there is not much to report this week i'm just settling in. Elder Keyser is pretty cool I think we'll get along alright. We met our ward mission leader and he's crazy. Well much love. Its suppose to cool down too this upcoming week. k love you all and hope that you all have a good week.
Elder Baumgartner
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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