So Fam!
I'm going to have all my messages forwarded from Myldsmail to gmail because myldsmail keeps going a ll weird and won't let people email me. So you can just send it here or to myldsmail and it'll get to me. Sounds like life is treating you all well. Man i love the mish. At church this sister came up to us and said that she enjoyed the spirit that we brought into her house when we came over for dinner. Her 20 yr old son was there and she said that his whole attitude changed after we ate there and he was like a whole new person. That is one of the greatest things of being a missionary. You ALWAYS have the spirit with you when you are doing all the things you need to. We carry the spirit unto the hearts of all those that will allow it in. I had a profound thought yesterday and this maybe a once in a lifetime thing because profound thoughts are not in my nature but i was thinking about how a missionary has success while out in the mission. We know that it is not in the baptisms that we have or even all the people that we help but it is measured in the number of times that your knees hit the floor in offering prayer to our heavenly father. It is so true. Absolutely nothing gets done out here save it is by and through our eternal God. I'm so happy to have the knowledge that i do. I pray every night that i wont take it for granted ever. But yeah. The BYU game must have been sweet. We have some byu fanatics in the ward so they gave me the shpeal on how it went. They kicked their trash. Also Colin is going on a mission!!! As you already know. I am so incredibly happy for him. Man there is nothing greater that you can do than to serve the Lord. And to serve him full time is often a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. Roseville is tight and we're having tons of fun. This area is just going to blossom and show forth the fruit of the ward's labors. How exciting. Read the Lords interssesory prayer and think about missionary work. It's pretty tight. My ring size is 9. and thank you for the package. I needed a stash for this apartment. I'm out of tizime, but I love you all and am so happy for the blessings that we all have received as a family from our Heavenly Father. We are incredibly blessed. Well much love!!
Your happy missionary, Elder Drew Baumgartner
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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