Yo soy missionero de la iglesia de Jesuchristo de los santos de los ultimos dias. comparto un mensaje de Jesuchristo y su evangelio. So hecka funny story. We were out street contacting last night and there was a lady walking on the sidewalk listening to her ipod and so we pulled up and I said hello and she jumped hardcore. She almost jumped off the sidewalk haha. I couldn't even say anything! Holding back my laughter i said, sorry and rode off. It was really funny. I felt bad but I didn't know what to say. Anywho we had Zone Conference this last week and pres is really pushing for 20 lessons a week, whether it is to members or investigators, and he promised us immediate results in the work. I'm excited! Rarely do we get immediate results in the work and so this will be very exciting. This area is doing just as i thought it would. It is booming. There are alot of people that have been prepared for the gospel in this area and all we have to do is to trust in the Lord to know what to do, where to go and what to say. I was reading my patriarchal blessing and a certain part really stood out to me this time. It gives me a promise based upon my ability to magnify the callings that Heavenly Father sees fit to give me. I started thinking about how to magnify my calling as a missionary and found that this certain calling given me is not a two year contract but rather an eternity's worth of devotion to the commitments that i've taken upon myself. There is one simple thing that we need to do in order to receive all we've ever wanted and more. Keep the commandments. EVERYTHING else will fall in line. Anywho Elder Keyser is sweet. He's from Heber. He enjoys snowboarding and doing missionary work. It is a nice companionship. He is one of those go getters so we have no problem getting the work done. His last comp wouldn't leave the apartment till 4 in the afternoon. I am grateful that we are comps because we are both growing to be greater missionaries and tools in the Lords hands. Lifes going well. I love what i'm doing and rest easy because i know that it is worth it. It is always worth it. Byu spanked Wyoming! We have a former tightend in our ward named Mike Franks. He was a freshman when byu took the Championship back in the day like 20 years ago. BCS bowl for sure. I'm feelin it. Alivia is so freakin' cute! Man i can't wait to meet her. Also Ky go gettem' buddy. I will allow you to use my phrase back in the day for your campain. Who's your daddy? But don't feel obligated you work your magic homes. Anywho I love you all and am so grateful to have this power-house behind me. Sometimes i feel like i can hear your prayers and i thank you for every single one of them.
Forever Yours
Elder Baumgartner. Also i've received the nickname Rado out here. You know because of Colorado. It's cool i think.
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
1 comment:
You sound so Amazing Drew!!! Keep up the good work! We are so glad all is going well for you. We are praying for you!
The Jordans :)
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