Sounds like everyone is doing awesome. Turns out our relief society pres is a big fan of tennis so when we go to eat over there i'm sure she'll give me a very detailed description of the greatest final in the history of tennis. She's from england. So the fourth was good. We had a half day pday so after dinner we just hung out with a family in the ward who you have to meet when you come here. It's the Mc Dowells. They're sweet. They made some dry ice bombs and threw them in the pool. And their dad is a rocket scientist so he had to explain every little detail about the bomb to the kids. It was pretty funny. The work is going well. We get to watch someone enter the waters on friday and he couldn't be more stoked. And neither can i for that matter. Kinda sucked bein' away from home for the forth but we'll have plenty of holidays together so it wasn't too bad. Ky man keep up the good work. You better be able to beat me when i get back. If not i'll whip you into shape real fast. For some service this month i'm helping sister mc dowell coach tennis a few times. She's a high school coach. Their team is alright. I'm pretty excited. I'm doing well as far as my needs go. Thank you so much for the package. I also love showing off my little neice to everyone. She's so freakin cute man. Don't forget about the lifesize posterboard alright? Or the pillow case action with my face on it. haha that would be hecka tight. Dad thank you for the wibledon updates. Man it sucks not bein able to watch that with you. And the BYU season is going to be hard too haha. We'll have some good times when I get back though for sure. Make sure you keep me updated on the happenins of BYU and the Rockies and such alright. I need some intel. Well my time is running thin. I do need a few things at the store today. I'm thinkin about getting some white strips and my allotment wont really cover them so i might need some mulah there. Family i cannot express how thankful i am for you all. I'm so incredibly grateful and I hope you all know how much i love you. Have an amazing week homies.
Elder B off the heezee
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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