Family guess what?!
I'm in roseville. haha. So the story goes that Elder Dalton (one of the elders i came out with) was going to train this transfer and when he got to "meet your trainer" The kid went all depressed and bailed on him. So tuesday night I received a call at 5 o'clock from Elder Bozung saying, "Hey elder Baumgartner. Can you be packed in 2 hours?" Yeah it was nuts. President wanted me to come down so Elder Dalton and I could work with this kid but by thursday he had made his mind up and went home. Poor little dude. He will never understand what he missed out on. So naturally Dalton and I were reminissing about our missions and expressed how much we loved them. And so naturally that day everything went wrong. We rode out a good hour to look for this house and couldn't find it. Dalton got a flat and had to fix it at a gas station. The very next day I fell on the way to a baptism and scuffed up one of my suit pants. Like scuffed up. My shirt was all dirty. I'll send you pics. I got a good raspberry on my arm. And the whole time all of this went on we could not stop Laughing and smiling. It is so incredible to me how no matter what happens out here you can't feel down. I mean i've felt down but never for long periods of time or anything. Anywho Dalton is tight. We get along really well. His nickname is doug funny. When i send you pics you'll know why. He's a utahn in circleville down by brice canyon. He's sweet. Hey parents i need some help. I had planned out my budget perfectly for gridley so i bought my groceries and then got the transfer call. also I need some new slacks. So i'm gonna need to use some bones today. I also need to know the addresses of my cousins so I can see if they're in my area. I can't remember what my ring size is. Just get matt's ring size and maybe downsize by one. He's a pudge. I'll get another CD of pics out asap. Most of the Good ones i think i've sent you but i'll definitely do that.
So feel free to send me a gift card or somethin. haha just kidding. They've got everything here in roseville. and there is so many people. Gosh it's nothing like i'm use to. I've now been in the north and the mid and the south. Sweet. Oh I need everyone to pull through for me on this favor. So Dalton and I are having a "Chick mail" contest for the entire transfer and whomever wins gets a free lunch. I need you to contact some friends. I know we can pull out the -W- if we work together. This isn't about the lunch mind you it's about pride. haha. Well I love you all and always know how much i appreciate you.
Love sweet love
Elder Baumgartner.
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
1 comment:
Hi Elder B's family. I am the missionaries neighbor. He is such a good kid and he is a great missionary! You should be proud of him!
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