It is good to hear from you all. Ky buddy keep up the good work ya playa. Richard sent me an email a while back and i'll send it to you all with a couple pics of the baptism. So the baptism went amazingly. It was by far the biggest one that i've been to. The chapel filled up. This Kid knows everyone. For real. We are playing Basketball with him today. You know sometimes i think about the emails that i have sent you all and i think of how much that you all don't here about. I try my best to include the major points but there just isn't enough time to tell you everything. It's going to be sweet to get home and be able to tell you all so much more. Also i've been thinking about how sacred the events are that i get to participate in. It's rather awe-inspiring. I'm blessed beyond belief to have this oppurtunity and i have all of you to thank for giving it to me. The gratitude goes unmeasured for sure. I can't believe how long i've been out for real. Seth emailed me and told me about all that he's doing. We need to get him out on a mission. I feel so bad for him that he doesn't get this oppurtunity. Heavenly father is building juggarnauts out of all of us young men out here. I'm honored to know that i'm enlisted in His army. OUr new president is really nice. I'm still anxious to see the changes he's going to0 make. We've heard a few of them. All bishops are invited to Zone Conferences. We have to teach two lessons a night wether to members or not. That one is going to be difficult in Gridley but acheivable i believe. He's a good guy. We had Zone conference this last week and Sis Pendleton is sooooo funny. She's like way petite and shy and nervous and everything. She's hilarious. It may just be the Greenness in her but it was hilarious. The fires are harsh down here. The smoke has slowed us a little because they warn us to take it easy when we're outside. It's pretty intense but it's all good. The work rolls forth. I love you all and am so grateful for the person that you've made me today. You all rock.
We are enlisted till the conflict is o'er
Elder Baumgartner
1 comment:
Thanks for doing this Alexis! We love to hear how Drew is doing!
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