Whats crackin'. It is hecka hot out here man. But it has cooled off a little. I played tennis this morning with a 4.0 playa and won in a third set tie break. It was tough. my strokes need fixin' but i fared alright. I didn't help sis mcdowell with her tennis team because she had plenty of help but her husband was the one i played this morning. We'll have to come visit them when you guys come out to pick me up. They are sweet. It's transfer day today and i'm getting another companion in addition to elder glad. His name is Nelson i believe. I'm staying here for another. That will make 6 months in gridley after this transfer. Wow. The work is going quite well. I asked heavenly father to keep me here for another because there is alot of work to do. Thats the first time he's left me in an area after i've asked that. There are three people that we are progressing towards baptism right now and we picked up another investigator yesterday. He's 83 and wants to get baptised. Do you know how miraculous that is! Old people are so stubborn. They get set in their ways and dont care one lick of what you have to say. Even after they've felt the spirit. I can't tell you how much i love the work. I know that each trial that is placed before us missionaries is another chance to succeed and make God proud of us. I often think about what it is going to be like on the other side when you stand there before Christ and Heavenly Father (being clean) and having Them say good work. I knew i could count on you. I also often think of the amazing capabilities we have as little tiny people on a little tiny planet. Only through the grace of God can we become grand and mighty. Think of children. How much of a blessing it is to bring one or two or twenty of God's children into the world. Of course with the exception of Ky and i, you all know how that feels. Speaking of Ky good work buddy. Freak you're a natural born star thug. Keep working. It is satisfying when you start to experience you're potential. Keep close to God buddy. Don't forget your prayers. You get the Priesthood soon buddy. Always live up to the potential that God has given you. I love you man with all my heart. Keep rockin'. Matt you fatty. 15! Body for life homie. Or get the Navy Seal workout off the internet. JK i'm sure you're a Jolly man. I can't wait to compare missionary journals and experiences with you and Dad when i get back. It'll be sweet. Alivia is cute man. I like the missionary Blog haha. it's sweet. Thanks for the baby pics i can't wait to hold her and watch her walk and stuff. Mom that is a sweet talk. I can't believe that i'm helping those people that have seen the goodness of the church. It's an incredible blessing for sure. I love when we are teaching a lesson and you know that the spirit is just pounding against the persons heart and you can feel the exact moment when they know for themselves that it is true. Those are probably my favorite. Oh fam! I need a favor. I lost the ring man. I was so mad when i couldn't find it. But if you don't mind could you send me another one? You all know the ring i'm talking about right? The return with honor ring. I feel naked without it. Dad hows work and all treating you? The comp is doing well. I love it because he's a little socially awkward and when we are teaching lessons he'll bring up every analogy that he knows. haha It is funny. Don't get me wrong i love him but he is so funny when we are talkin to people. P-days are fun. I've been playing tennis in the morning and playing ball at lunch and we usually get a good turn out. The other missionaries are hecka far away though so it's hard to get together with them all. Well I love you all. I'm happy to hear from you and sounds like you're doing well.
Forever yours,
Elder B
9 Month Babe
11 years ago
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