A day in the life of an Elder
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hey fam!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hermanos y Hermanas de la familia de Dios
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Boy Howdy
Elder B
Monday, September 7, 2009
Elder B
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Peace Elder B
P.s. Yeah that is cool if you come pick me up but problem is we wouldn't be able to do anything but sit and talk and eat and sleep, but hey I'm down if you are.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sup yo
This week has been good! I can tell that I'm going to miss alot of the people down there in Auburn but I look forward to getting to know the people here. So it was like Christmas today because I received around $60 during Christmas for Walmart but there wasn't a walmart in auburn so I did some shoppin. Got a family size frosted flakes. Dorky but its a treat. So my new companion is nice. He's the peculiar type. He wore suspenders today... Reminded me of my days in middle school haha. So ky your the big guy on campus now huh? How is the new school? Keep up the good work in tennis! Man it is weird having a change of scenery after being in a place for 7 months. Oh cool story. Last night we had one of those lessons where the Spirit was super strong and the set-up was near perfect. A man and his son had us into their home to "get back into the good book." We started off as we usually do by praying and talking about Heavenly Father and His love for all of us. This man voiced his opinion that he beilieves that it is just a bunch of bogus. Someone wrote a book and it stuck is what he expressed. After addressing the fact that he can know of its truthfulness for himself and I expressed how I came to know that it is true. We left him in suspense as we explained that we needed to build a foundation of knowledge before we tell him how he can know. We talked about the Savior and His role in everything... He listened. The Spirit whispered to us to talk about the empowering ability the Atonement gives us to rid ourselves of guilt and addiction. We described that these addictions come from the adversary. He exclaimed how he desperately wants to get rid of the extra baggage that he has carried around and how he wants Jr. to grow up with a clean life. We explained how that was possible. We continued to talk about Joseph Smith and his role as a prophet of God followed by a short summary of the Book of Mormon and it's origen. We commited him to read and pray and promised him with all of our earnestness that if he would read and pray, he will be able to rid himself of the guilt and addictions that he has by coming to know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. In a tender expression of earnest desire he pleaded with us... Please come back and teach me more. I just want to get rid of all of these negative things in my life. I want Jr. to grow up right. Plainly put he wants to be clean. We told him that it requires change of attitude and behavior and that it comes from learning the gospel. My heart leaped for joy for this man. Through the grace of our Savior he can be cleansed. I testify that the power of the Atonement is real. It's tangible. As we strive to know God and His Son, we receive their grace. We can be clean. Thanks for continuing to write me and everything. I appreciate all of the love and support. Oroville fyi is in the sticks. The only thing that keeps this place running is an indian casino right inside the city. Yes its great and spacious. ummm there was more that I needed to tell you..... oh when are we going to come back and tour the mish? People keep asking. Thanks grandma for the package! I don't really have a preference on classes... I trust you all. I would like to take spanish that would be fun.... Welp I love you all!! Thanks!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hello hello
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hey good to hear from you!!
Elder B
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hey sorry not much new this week.
Monday, July 13, 2009
This week went great!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Dang man those close ones hurt the worst!

Monday, June 29, 2009
Boy Howdy!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hey Familia!

Monday, June 15, 2009
Hidee ho!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hey hey!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hidee ho
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Hey Hey!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I will praise Him all of my days
I absolutely loved Easter and even mor than that I love the symbolism involved with that and even more than that I love the Savior to whom all of the symbolism points to. I am indeed grateful for Him and His constant care. I will praise Him all of my days.
Elder B
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thank you so much for the basket and shirt and such. It was great. Check out the pics. I'm grateful for your prayers. It is so miraculous to think about the many prayers that are directed toward us and the Lords work in general. I had quite an experience this week. There is a less-active guy that started coming to church about 4 weeks ago. The bishop suggested that we teach him the lessons as a refresher course. At first he was taken back at the suggestion because he is an RM and thought that he didn't need it but he casted away his pride and accepted the invite. As we taught him yesterday the Spirit came over me and started to testify of the love that our Heavenly Father has for each of His children. I started to break down as I admited that I was fearful that I cannot reach more of those children in each of the areas that i'm called to. But then the reassurance from the Lord came to me that it was ok and that He is proud of my efforts so far. The greatest gift of the Spirit to me is the comfort that comes through Him and from our Heavenly Father and from our Savior. I relate it to the blankets right out of the dryer that Mom would throw around me back home. Anyway the experience helped me realize that my best will do. It is the same with all of us. Our best will do. After all we can do, the Lord steps in. I believe in the enabling power of the Atonement. I know from experience that He will make our weaknesses strengths if we take them to him. I am grateful for that knowledge. On a more temporal not I'm starting to get my passport stuff filled out so I need a birth certificate and the birth places of Dad and Mom. I love you all and am grateful for you
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sup mi cuates!!
Sorry I'm getting this one out a little late today. I freakin loved conference. My fave was (sorry ladies) priesthood sesh. Man it was great. It the biggest spiritual intake that i've had in a while. Fave was probably the medal of honor talk by President Eyring and then in close second was Elder Holland's talk. I get way too emotional during their talks. Man I get reminded constantly of how much I appreciate being out here. A few times during conference I sat pondering on how sick it is to be here doing what i'm doing. And not only that but doing what i'm doing at this time in the worlds history. Along with that i get constant reminders of how many weaknesses i have. The Lord is helping me through them though. I'm glad to hear that the fam is doing well. I am grateful for all of you and the strength that i get from your prayers. Please keep saying them for me. I love you and miss you guys.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hey fam!
So there is not too much to say... My new comp is elder powell. I lived with him in Gridley and it should be tons of fun. I like the kid.. He's sweet and a pretty hard worker. It's going to be a good transfer. I'm very excited. We had the best 5th sunday lesson ever in church. It was about the present dispensation and how revelation works. I'm excited for conference. It is going to be sick yo. I was teaching this guy with the spanish elders and in broken spanish i was teaching about prophets and helped him see that if we just listen to them we will recognize the spirit that they have as ordained prophets of today. I love having my testimony of them reaffirmed each time I hear them. Also Dad you got a letter comin but it will be a little late. I love you all
Thank you for everything!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I glory in my God.
Hey Fam!
So there is not a whole lot going on. I think the biggest thing that has happened in this past week was that we are starting to teach this girl that seems really open to hearing about the gospel. I'm excited for her. She had a bad experience with a so called "jack mormon" that left a bad taste in her mouth but she is searching and is very ernest. I have high hopes for her. I am reading about the present dispensation in Jesus the Christ right now and it is giving me a great appreciation for the knowledge that I have. I am so glad that I can tell people that I know without a doubt that Jesus is the Christ and that His church was restored on the Earth today by a prophet of God. That knowledge is priceless as all of you know. I thank my Father in heaven for that knowledge. I will forever praise his name as Ammon did in chapter 26 of
Elder B
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Drew being... a nerdy elder
Monday, March 2, 2009
So that is my story for the week
So this week has been a stress and a half. We're prepping for Zone conference here in Auburn while we hed to do about 6 hours of computer work over a three day period. I'm a little groggy from it. But some great news is that another sheep is coming into the fold! There is young man 12 years of age who is getting baptized this saturday! I'm excited for him. The past couple lessons we've taken some of the deacons in our ward over there and i found out that we should really just send 12 year olds out on the mish. These kids were testifying more powerfully than i can even know. They will be great missionaries. So that is my story for the week. These kids are crazy cool. But i'm greatful for everything that you all do and i hope i say that enough. I love you and hope that this email wasn't too lame.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Well That is the scoop!!!
This week has been a great week! There are alot of things going on... I learned alot about personal sanctification this week. It is something that has been on my mind all while i've been out here. We had a missionary meeting in Gridley and President talked alot about sanctification. Really everything that we do out here and the results that come from those things depend on our personal purity. It sounds pretty basic but it goes much deeper than it appears. It's one of those layered gospel topics. Purity and perfection are very closely intertwined. Perfection is more long term and building purity is what gets us there. Of course there is that aspect that with a purer vessel the Holy Ghost is more frequent and stronger within it.... I don't know there is a lot that i've learned about it but it is hard to put it onto this email. I'll have to find a good way to express it and then get back to you. Sooooo that is what I learned this week. Elder Hiatt and I are getting along great! He's learned a lot and it is nice learning from him. He looks a lot like richard. I'll have to send you a pic of him. The work is going great as well. I'll tell you what I got a reminder of how much I have to depend on the Lord this week. I've been working on praying more earnestly and meaningfully. As I've put it into practice I can tell the blessings that come to each person as I pray for and serve them. There is such power in prayer and fasting. I can tell you that I know that. I know it by and through the Holy ghost after the practice of faith. I love the things that I am privileged to learn out here. I feel so undeserving for the many blessings and lessons that I receive out here. It seems the harder I try to improve myself the more imperfections I see within myself. But Heavenly Father knows that. He helps me overcome them. We are having tons of fun. The snow up here is fun! I missed it. The rain is killer too. Luckily we are in a car. muahahaha. Well That is the scoop!!! I love you all and thank you for everything!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
A picture is worth a thousand words... I guess?
Monday, February 9, 2009
God's image and countenance is imprinted on our souls.
Sorry very short on time! as usual. But here is something sweet I learned this week. So Jesus tells a bunch of Pharisees off in a response to a question regarding taxes given to Caesar. Remember that one? Well He responds saying render unto Cesar what is his and render unto God what is His. So in observation one can notice that the coin presented Jesus had Caesar’s image on it. So it is also with our souls. God's image and countenance is imprinted on our souls. Not only does Christ expand on the relationship of church and state but also He tells us what we should render to Him and God. And that is our whole souls. Neat. I'm sorry I have short time. I enjoyed all of your emails. Ky nice hit holmes. Alexis and Matt have fun on the drive. That is so crazy how close you will be. Mom and Dad I'm so happy that you had fun. Mexico! I went on splits with the Spanish missionaries and came the closest that I'll ever come to having the gift of tongues. It was sweet! I love you all and I'm doing good... I do have a favor to ask of one of you. One of the elders is having a birthday and he always talks about how he was stuck in the friend zone with girls so I was thinking about getting him a shirt that says chicks dig my friendship. but there are no shirt shops around here. I don't know if that would cost a lot to get a shirt with that but if you could check in on that for me that would be great. His b-day is on the 22nd of this month. anywho Love you all so much!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Your lovable um... guy
So we had to do a bunch of stuff prior to this so I don't have much time. But I've been reading in the great Jesus the Christ by Talmage and have been thinking alot about miracles. It's very worthy to note that the miracle was ALWAYS preceded by a comment or action of faith. This is very important to all of our lives. Before Jesus raised Lazerus from the grave He was among Mary and Martha and some others and while He was with them He gave some pretty sweet hidden lessons. He asked questions like where is he laid? and asked for them to take Him to Lazerous. And other questions that I cannot think of right now. These questions he asked were not for His knowlege because He knew excactly where he was laid. Rather these questions were presented for the purpose of inviting them to use there agency to do all they could before the miracle happened. He also asked, when they arrived at the grave, for the people to pull away the rock in front of the grave. After the people could do no more, then Christ showed forth the wonderful, miraculous and divine power that He had received from God. So it is with all of us. We need to do everything in our power to help fulfill the purposes of God. Then will He show forth His power. I was also reading President Monson's talk in the past conference and he addressed us all as the Royal Priesthood. It dawned on me how much of an honor that was. Anyway I hope everything is going good back there. I love you all!!!!!
your lovable um... guy
Monday, January 19, 2009
As far as the week goes it was a great one! Yesterday we had the high councilmen speak in church. One of the talks was on personal revelation. It was a great talk. I have received a strong burning testimony of the importance of personal revelation in all of our lives. I am so grateful for the chance that we have to have Heavenly Father Himself speak to us. What an incredible blessing. Of course we cannot forget the importance of the Holy Ghost in conveying the messages that God wants to tell us. yesterday we had a lesson with a less-active member in the ward and we got on the subject of personal revelation. As I was able to explain what it is and even now as I type this email I can feel the Holy Ghost witnessing to me that revelation is a gift from God. I enjoy always telling people about the First Vision and its significance in telling us that God does speak. From the mouth of the beloved apostle of the Lord, Elder Holland says (quoting scripture) that, "He speaketh not spake!" I have found that the promise from Joseph Smith is true... It is vain to minister without [revelation]. There are so many profound things that Heavenly Father wants us to know and His willingness to give is predicated upon our willingness to ask, seek, and knock. I am eternally grateful for the lines and precepts that I receive from my loving Heavenly Father and from our Lord as well. As far as the work, it is rolling on. There are many great things that President Pendleton has presented to us and our wards. I'm excited for the new things happening. We are trying to bridge the gap between the ward members and the full-time missionary efforts. The gap has been there ever since missionary work has been established in this dispensation and probably in prior dispensations as well. But that gap is closing and with the progress being made there are many sweeeeet things on the horizon. Exciting for sure. So crazy stuff happening at home. Alexis movin, scubaing, stuff. One of the missionaries that I new just went home before Christmas and he came back with his fam and I saw him last night. It was so weird seeing him normal haha. Well thank you all! I love you!
Elder Baum.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Good ol' auburn.
Super short email. So story time. We were tracting a street where the houses were super set back on their properties so the driveways were long. So we park and go tract. anywho we get done with the street and we are about a mile from the car and we start walking back. A cop pulls up and rolls down his window and asks us if we're parked in someone's driveway. We told him no and then we head back to the car. The cop ends up telling us that this lady called the cops on us because she thought that we sat in front of her house and watched her for an hour. haha talk about paranoia. Good ol' auburn. Sorry thats all I got time for but I love you all!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
It was kind of a JEEZ moment...
Feliz dia mi familia. This week has been a good one. I'm getting use to the area and everything. It is much slower than Roseville. I think I got spoiled there. So I ate dinner over at this family's house where they had a twelve year old and I thought to myself woah, Ky is that age. I'll get back just in time for the pimary pimple poppin' haha. It was kind of a JEEZ moment. I am so happy right now. I say that alot don't I. Every once in a while Heavenly Father gives me blips of divine perspective on the world. It is hard here in many ways to progress the work. It is just a more rural area. I'm sinking on time but I can't tell you How much I appreciate the support and also how much I appreciate my Heavenly Father. I thank you all for helping me realize that I am a son of God. That priceless piece of info would be enough to get me through many things. I love you all and have a great week!